2023 Awards Night
Celebrating & Jubilating
The Best of the Fest
Join us in bringing our festivities to a close as we celebrate the many prize acts of this year’s Fringe. Created in partnership with many of our longstanding partners, our award categories have been designed to spotlight the productions that particularly resonate with Vancouver audiences and our core mission to produce theatre for all.
Kicking off at The Fringe Bar from 9pm on Sunday September 17, we encourage all attendees to cheer, applaud and share in our elation as the winning acts are called forward. This year’s award speeches will be followed by musical guests Common People DJs with their 90s throwback hits. So settle in and let’s bask in all of the wonderful achievements our trailblazing 2023 artists.
The Awards Line-up
‘Stir Social Impact’ Award – Proudly sponsored by Stir, the ‘Social Impact’ Award hones in on productions with an impactful message on the world as it stands today. Touching on resonant political and cultural themes, these shows are particularly primed to connect communities and leave audiences walking away with new perspectives to support meaningful change.
‘Artistic Risk’ Award – The ‘Artistic Risk’ Award provides a financial prize for the artist who exemplifies the Fringe ethos of breaking down tradition by taking some form of risk in their performance. These are the trailblazers who embrace uncertainty in service of their art, willingly embracing the potential for failure, and who test out new paths in performance structure, style, and content.
‘Best of the Fest’ Award – Well-known and much beloved. ‘Best of the Fest’ describes one show that displays an extraordinary level of theatrical quality and creativity. Also affectionately known as “the show that everyone is talking about”, winners of ‘Best of the Fest’ may use this title to promote their shows across other festivals.
‘People’s Choice’ Award – As determined by our returning ‘People’s Choice’ audience survey, this award spotlights the production most-loved by our loyal Fringe audiences.
‘Volunteer’s Choice’ Award – An award given to the show that stole the hearts of our volunteer team. There are few fans as loyal and the Fringe volunteer team, so this is a title to bewildered with pride.